Friday, September 24, 2010

Weight Room

In order to get better as a basketball player, or as an overall athlete, one must make a commitment to the weight room. Getting stronger is a key component to the transition to college athletics. In the Bell Athletic Center, there are two designated workout areas. One of these areas is on the second floor and mostly consists of cardiovascular machines such as the treadmills. On the bottom floor is the weight room that the athletes use to lift weights. Both facilities are accessible with one's tiger card and are open to all Trinity students.

Workouts for basketball players is on your own at this point. One must go lift and be in condition on October 15. I've been playing almost everyday, and trying to life every other day. When I have days in which I have open gym and also go lift, that is a three to four hours of my day. Time management becomes crucial to get all my academic work done while keeping up with the offseason schedule. Luckily, the weight room is open from eleven in the morning to ten at night for the out of season athlete. With October 15 creeping up in less than a month, it is important to get good workouts in the offseason to be in the best condition when the season rolls around.
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Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Open Gym

Players only open gym has started. After a team meeting on August 25, every player was put on a texting list to get times of open gym from the senior players. Playing everyday in the Bell athletic center, we play five on five to get some conditioning in while touching up on our skills from the summer. The seniors will pick teams and there will be a winner’s court and a loser’s court. The objective is to win and stay on the winner’s court. Roughly about twenty to twenty-five guys are trying out this year. 

As a freshman it is vital to work hard and prepare yourself for these five on five scrimmages. Conditioning is a key part of the preseason, especially for freshman as we are making the transition to a longer sized basketball court used at the college level. Tryouts and hands on coaching do not begin until mid October, so it is in the athlete’s best interest to get prepared for then by playing everyday. The five on five scrimmaging lasts about two hours. After playing, most of the players stick around to shoot some extra shots. The season is only a little over a month away!

Source: Robert Kitzinger's camera

Creative Commons License
Open Gym by Robert Kitzinger is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.